图书馆 Social Media Statement


Social Media Statement


This statement defines acceptable use of social media for all users and administrators of the 图书馆’s social media accounts, and complements the College Committee on Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) Statement on Social Media.


College Committee on Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) Statement on Social Media

The College Committee on Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) recognizes the power and ability of social media to build community, foster positive relationships, and promote free expression.  However, these same new media platforms can be used to inflict harm on individuals or groups.  In keeping with the inclusive vision of Saint Mary’s College, and existing social media guidelines, we urge all community members to recognize that uncivil behavior, harassment and/or name calling on SMC webpages or social media platforms is unacceptable, will not be tolerated and can violate college code of conduct and legal guidelines.  The College’s core principle of respect for all persons must apply in all environments, including the virtual world of social media.

Adopted February 21, 2014

Revised March 21, 2014


图书馆 Social Media Statement

This statement defines acceptable use of social media for all users and administrators of the 图书馆’s social media accounts, and complements the College Committee on Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) Statement on Social Media.

Use of social media resources by the 图书馆 supports the mission of the 图书馆 by helping faculty, 工作人员, and students achieve academic success by promoting activities, sharing information, and opening dialog.  Social media include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

The Saint Mary’s College 图书馆 welcomes comments but will remove postings that infringe on confidentiality, 隐私, or other academic violations referred to in the CCIE Statement.  除了, to remain consistent with the 图书馆’s views on 隐私, any images posted of people in the 图书馆 will have the identities obscured, unless permission has been given to post by the individual(s) pictured. 

The 图书馆 is not responsible for content posted by subscribers in any forum, message board, or other social media resource, and such subscriber comments do not reflect the opinions and/or positions of Saint Mary’s College 图书馆.

Current College faculty, 工作人员, and students’ activities on social media resources are subject to the College’s Student Code of Conduct, the faculty’s Academic Honesty Policy, and the Employee Conduct and Responsibilities outlined in the Staff Handbook, as may be applicable.


Developed by the Web Team, Saint Mary’s College 图书馆.
