Departmental Scholarships


年度院系奖学金的金额为13美元,000 ($52,000 in total for four years of consecutive study) and are available to selected incoming first-year students.

Applicants must first submit their Saint Mary's application through the Common App before the admissions Early Action application deadline of November 1, 2023. 申请系奖学金的截止日期是2023年11月15日.

所有被引用的系奖学金都是基于 full time enrollment.

Application Steps

  1. 申请提前录取通过 Common App by November 1. 

  2. 申请系里奖学金 SMC Applicant Status Page by November 15. Use your SMC Applicant username and password (these credentials will be provided to you via email after submitting the Common App).

  3. 将其他材料和推荐信(如果需要)发送至

  4. Invited applicants must interview or audition with faculty from their department of interest on-campus during Scholarship Saturday on Saturday, January 20th, 2024.

Requirements by Department



  Application Materials

Application Link

Accounting and
Business Administration


  • 一篇1页的短文(描述你的学术目标和职业追求)
  • 提交自我提名表格
  • *只有少数自我提名的学生将被选中参加面试
  • **Declaration of SEBA major (Business Administration or Accounting) is required at entrance




  • A cover letter (250 words) explaining the student’s interest in their specific area (Anthropology, Applied Anthropology, or Archaeology)
  • 先前在相关领域学习的学术课程列表, 以及其他相关经验(实地工作), time spent abroad, 家庭与特定文化/亚文化的联系, etc.)
  • 与期望的研究领域相关的写作样本


Art Practice and Art History


  • An essay (<500 words), describing the applicant’s interest and qualifications for the scholarship.
  • Two letters of recommendation from teachers and/or others addressing the applicant’s qualifications.
  • A DVD or online portfolio of original work (artwork of other digital or traditional mediums). *Art Practice majors only.
  • List of software skills.
  • 任何相关艺术项目的列表,包括标题,持续时间和大纲.




  • A letter of recommendation addressing the applicant’s interest in science and/or chemistry 
  • 一篇涉及以下内容的个人短文(500字以内): 如果你有技能,技术和资源
    conduct any type of chemistry research, what question would you try to answer, and why? 你会如何进行调查?




  • A cover letter (250 words) explaining the student’s interest in their specific area (Communication Strategy or Media Making).
  • 先前在相关领域学习的学术课程列表, 以及其他相关经验(学校媒体), clubs and organizations, etc.).
  • 一份与期望学习领域相关的写作和/或多媒体样本.


Computer Science


  • A cover letter (250 words) explaining the student’s interest in Computer Science.
  • A list of activities, projects, and/or academic courses relating to Computer Science or programming that the student has undertaken either in or out of high school.


Data Science 
  • A 1-page cover letter explaining your interest in Data Science and how this scholarship will aid you in pursuit of your academic goals
  • 先前学习的学术课程列表 relating to Data Science, programming, statistics, etc. 以及其他相关经验.
  • A list of software skills.




  • Two letters of recommendation, one to be written by the applicant’s junior or senior year
  • high school English teacher.
  • Two essays.
    • The first should explain (in 500 words or fewer) why the applicant wishes to major in English.
    • 第二篇(1000 - 1250字)应该分析一篇文学文本.
  • 申请人也可以附上他们的创意写作样本.


Environmental Science


  • Two letters of recommendation addressing the applicant’s interest in science and the environment.
  • 一篇涉及以下所有内容的个人短文(每篇250字):
  • 文章1:你最关心的环境问题是什么?
  • 文章2:这个环境问题如何影响社区和环境?
  • 文章3:我们可以用什么科学方法来帮助解决这些问题? 描述一个可以帮助解决这个问题的科学研究.
  • Essay 4: What impact do you hope to make in addressing the issue you identified above OR other environmental issues?


Ethnic Studies


  • A cover letter (250-300 words) explaining the student’s interest in their Ethnic Studies, 他们的毕业后或职业目标, 以及他们的社区或校园社会正义活动.
  • A list of prior or current academic courses of study in Ethnic Studies-related areas, 以及其他相关经验(工作), community volunteer, service learning, clubs and organizations, political advocacy/organizing, etc.).
  • 前一门有关民族研究课程的范例作业. 这可以是一篇论文,一个艺术项目,一个社区项目等等.


  • 申请部门所需材料:
  • A 1-page cover letter explaining your interest in Finance and how this scholarship will aid you in pursuit of your academic goals


Global and Regional Studies


  • A cover letter (250 words) explaining the student’s interest in their specific area (Global Studies, Region: East Asia, Region: Europe, or Region: Latin America)
  • 先前在相关领域学习的学术课程列表, 以及其他相关经验(在国外的时间), 与特定地区的家庭联系, fieldwork, service immersion, etc.)
  • 与期望的研究领域相关的写作样本




  • A list of history classes taken in high school including the titles of texts read in each class.
  • 论文1:500字,阐述你对研究历史的兴趣.
  • 短文2:用250字描述你的领导能力和经历.
  • Two letters of recommendation from teachers, at least one being from a history teacher.


(the Integral Program)


  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals testifying to the applicant’s interest in the Integral Program.
  • A portfolio illustrating a commitment to inquiry-based reading and discussion of primary texts.
  • 申请人被邀请在构建他们的投资组合的创造性.
  • A short cover letter (no more than 250 words) introducing the portfolio and indicating the student's interest in the Integral Program.


Justice, Community & Leadership


  • A cover letter (250 words) explaining the student’s commitment to social justice and equity and and among communities.
  • 先前在相关领域学习的学术课程列表, 以及其他相关经验(俱乐部和组织), service learning, community engagement, political organizing/activism, etc.). For the teacher education tracks, please include experience working with children and/or youth.
  • Applicants may include a writing sample in the desired area of study (optional)


(Bro. 多米尼克·巴里数学竞赛)


  • Students interested in participating in the Scholarship Competition must participate in the competition to be eligible to receive the scholarship.


Performing Arts
Auditions Required


  • 每年奖学金13美元,000 are available to selected incoming first-year students who major or minor in Theatre, Dance, or Music.




  • 求职信(250字),说明学生对哲学的兴趣
  • 先前学习的学术课程列表, 以及其他相关经验(俱乐部和组织), personal explorations, etc.)
  • 申请人可以包括与哲学研究相关的写作样本




  • 学生将被要求参加一个实验活动. You must participate in the lab activity to be eligible to receive the scholarship.




  • A letter of recommendation from an individual testifying to the applicant’s interest in politics.
  • A personal essay (<750 words) addressing the applicant’s interest in politics and providing
  • evidence in the form of personal experience, study, service, and/or career expectations.




  • 求职信(250字),说明学生对社会学的兴趣
  • 先前学习的学术课程列表, 以及其他相关经验(俱乐部和组织), personal explorations, etc.)
  • 申请人可以包括与社会学研究相关的写作样本




  • 关于你为什么想成为一名教师的简短反思(不超过500字). 它可以反映出曾经激励过你的老师, 或者你如何看待自己的改变, 或者是什么激励你成为一名教育者.




  • A personal essay of (<1000) words addressing the following:
    • 你对神学或宗教的兴趣, 以个人经历的形式提供这种兴趣的证据, study, service, or career expectations.
    • Describe why Saint Mary’s College would be a good place to pursue the study of theology and/or religion.
  • Two letters of recommendation addressing your intellectual interests in studying theology and/or religion.
    •  其中至少一份应来自学术专业人士(如.g. 教师或辅导员).


Women and Gender Studies


  • A cover letter (250 words) explaining the student’s interest in Women's and Gender Studies.
  • 先前学习的学术课程列表, 以及其他相关经验(俱乐部和组织), personal explorations, community organizing/activism, etc.).
  • Applicants may include a writing sample related to the study of Women's and Gender Studies (optional)


World Languages


  • 求职信(250字),说明学生对语言学习的兴趣.
  • 先前学习该语言的学术课程列表, 以及其他相关经验(在国外的时间), 家庭与语言的联系, etc.).
  • 语言能力和兴趣水平两份文件, either two letters of recommendation from high school teachers OR one recommendation letter and one recognized examination (AP, IB).
  • 申请人可以包括所需学习语言的写作样本.
