


2024年7月25日- 8月7日

$3,865 per person double occupancy, $4,575 for single occupancy

If you love the outdoors, wildlife, and adventure - this is the trip for you. This cultural-immersion trip ‘down-under’ focuses on wildlife conservation and Aboriginal culture in some of the best places 澳大利亚 has to offer! Join us on a ‘off-the-beaten-path’ expedition that includes hands-on activities with native 澳大利亚n wildlife conservation groups, 土著文化体验, and ample time to explore this amazing country on your own. This is an experience designed for individuals of all ages and abilities.  

Our journey begins in the ecologically and culturally diverse state of New South Wales.  A two-day volunteering experience at the 澳大利亚徒步野生动物园, a unique animal sanctuary that combines wildlife conservation with Aboriginal traditions will highlight the tour of this region.  We will also experience a Dreamwalk with Djiribi Waagura Aboriginal elders in the Shoalhaven and explore the white sand beaches of Jervis Bay during this part of the trip. The second half of our adventure brings us to the city of Cairns, known as “the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef” in tropical north Queensland. A full-day will be spent on the Great Barrier Reef with marine biologists and Aboriginal Rangers to provide us with a unique education on the status of one of the worlds’ quickly diminishing natural wonders.  Our journey will conclude with two days on the tropical, 雨林覆盖的菲茨罗伊岛国家公园.  This pristine island sits on the outer boundary of the Great Barrier Reef and will provide ample opportunity to experience wildlife and activities both in and out of the water.  

The course fee for this trip will cover all standard (double occupancy) lodging, 地面运输, ferries, 从悉尼到凯恩斯的往返航班, 在大堡礁进行全天潜水, 与吉里比瓦古拉原住民领袖一起梦游, 哈特利鳄鱼农场入口, 在菲茨罗伊岛上的潜水装备, a 2-day 2-night all inclusive stay at the 澳大利亚n Walkabout Park, 还有四次聚餐.



$3,865 per person double occupancy, $4,575 single occupancy. 开始注册

2024年3月4日:所有到期旅行的押金为1,000美元,不可退还. In the event that the trip does not meet its minimum number of travelers, deposits will be refunded.




Learn more about the trip by joining a virtual information session. 通过Zoom加入会议

  • Mon. Dec. 4, 6:00pm
  • Fri. Jan. 19, 6:00pm
  • Fri. Feb. 9, 6:00pm
  • Fri. Feb. 23, 6:00pm
  • Fri. 3月1日下午6点





This adventure is designed for participants of all ages and abilities, 对于家庭来说,这将是一次很棒的旅行. All activities are optional and can be experienced at your own comfort level. Join us on a ‘off-the-beaten-path’ expedition that includes hands-on activities!





July 25

Day 1  




  • 到来的一天!  
  • 组织办理登机手续.
  • 海滩活动,当地的晚餐

July 26

Day 2 


  • 一天的时间来适应和探索这个地区. 
  • We will take a hike up the Sublime Point Track in Austimer or to Brokers Nose in Corrimal
  • Free time activities (explore tide pools, beach walk, surf/swim)
  • 在Bulli-Woonona RSL俱乐部的第一次集体晚餐.

7月27 - 28日

3 - 4天 


  • 早餐后,我们将开车去菲茨罗伊瀑布. (约2小时),入住Twin Falls Bush Cottages
  • Service activity with Wombat Care Bundanoon and/or Native Wildlife Rescue.
  • 第四天第2次集体晚餐- bundanon酒吧


Day 5


  • 早餐后驱车前往埃罗瓦尔湾(2小时).
  • A stop at Bendalong Beach to feed the giant stingrays.
  • Free time - afternoon/evening (water activities, beach walk)
  • 邓高湾海滨度假酒店内/海滩晚餐.

July 30

Day 6


  • After breakfast we will experience a Dreamwalk with the Djiribi Waagura Aboriginal leaders in Nowra.
  • 散步后我们将参观 穆雷的海滩 地球上最白的沙子!)
  • 去赫斯基森买点东西吃午饭
  • Free time - afternoon/evening (water activities, beach walk)
  • 海滩上的晚餐/邓高湾的小木屋

7月31日- 8月1日

天7 - 8



  • 后一个 early departure from Erowal Bay, we will drive to the 澳大利亚徒步野生动物园 (4 hours)
  • We are spending two days volunteering as park rangers and working with wildlife conservationists and Aboriginal leaders.  
  • The Park staff arrange our itinerary - they keep us quite busy doing incredible activities!
  • 这是一个包罗万象的住宿. 
  • 澳大利亚徒步野生动物园  

Aug 2

Day 9


  • 旅游一天
  • Early departure to SYD airport for flight from Sydney to Cairns
  • 集体晚餐#3

Aug 3

Day 10


  • EARLY departure (6:30am) for full-day on the Great Barrier Reef!
  • 梦想时光潜水体验 
  • Scuba dive and/or snorkel the Great Barrier Reef with Marine Biologists and Aboriginal Rangers. 今天真是太棒了!!  
  • Free time - evening (Cairns night markets, shopping, beach walk)

Aug 4

Day 11


  • 早饭后—— 参观哈特利鳄鱼农场
  • We will take a waterfall hike before entering the park in the Daintree Rainforest
  • *Alternate option: White Water Rafting in Daintree Rainforest*
  • Free time - evening (Cairns night markets, shopping, beach walk)

Aug 5

Day 12


  • 早餐后,搭乘早班渡轮(8:00am)前往 菲茨罗伊岛
  • “拯救海龟”服务活动
  • Free time in the afternoon/evening (snorkel, kayak, SUP, hike, etc.)

Aug 6

Day 13


  • 与珊瑚礁修复基金会合作的服务活动
  • Free time in the afternoon (snorkel, kayak, SUP, hike, etc.)
  • 团体晚餐#4和TRIP-TRIVIA(有奖品)!)

Aug 7

Day 14


  • 旅游一天
  • 乘坐早班渡轮(上午9点)前往凯恩斯.
  • 在凯恩斯中央商务区购买纪念品的最后机会
  • 下午飞往悉尼的航班.
  • 旅行结束了


I have been a faculty member in the Kinesiology Department at Saint Mary’s since 2006. My wildlife and ecological conservation background are rooted in over 30 years of volunteer work and about 15 years of leading group travel adventures that provide the opportunity to explore and gain an appreciation of our role in helping preserve and appreciate the natural resources we have in our own backyard and abroad.

My original interest in 澳大利亚n wildlife conservation and indigenous culture developed while I lived there between 2013 and 2016. 从那时起, I have brought six Saint Mary’s JanTerm courses and one Alumni group there in order to share and further develop an appreciation for this unique land, 那里的野生动物, 和文化. I am always humbled and honored to be welcomed to 澳大利亚 and work with the incredible people and animals that we encounter. I am also ecstatic about being able to share this special place and experience with the SMC community.
